Apple Recipes

How to Grow Apples Tree, gardening, apple recipes, history
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Apple Recipes You'll Love

Whether you are looking for an apple pie recipe, an apple crisp recipe, or something else, we know you’ll enjoy our choices.  So, listed below is our collection of delicious apple recipes. Certainly, feel free to share them with family and friends. And, let them know where you found them.

Apple Trivia: According to Celtic myth, apples were from another world. Otherworldly women believed to carry off heroes found sleeping beneath apple trees.

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Kitchen Cleaning Tip

Tired of that buildup of gunk around the base of your kitchen faucet? 

Soak a small rag or a couple of paper towels with vinegar. Set it onto the base of the faucet. Leave it there for a couple of hours. Use the rag to wipe around the base of the faucet 

Use this dame trick to easily clean other faucets in your house. 

Contribute a Recipe

Got a favorite garden recipe to share? Email it to us. Include your first name, last name (or the first initial of your last name), and where you live so we can give you proper credit and recognition. Contribute a recipe now

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