September Home Gardening by GardenersNet.Com

2024 Gardening and How to Grow Just About Anything!

How to Grow Spectacular Home Gardens is Our Mission

Above all, our mission is to provide you with the finest quality home gardening “How to Grow” information, gardening tips, and growing trivia. So, we’ve got you covered for growing all of your favorite plants. As a matter of fact, our guide sheets cover everything from seed starting to growing plants, harvesting, storing, and eating the flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables of your labor. And, we strive to provide you with the information you need, when you need it, to grow the best plants you can grow! 

Turn a good garden into a great one. Follow us regularly, as the season progresses and different plants ripen to produce a bountiful harvest of vegetables, beautiful flowers, and tasty herbs. In August, there are always plenty of different plants growing, ripening, and in bloom. We also guide you to tackle difficult challenges, including animals looking to make a free meal of your plants, how to eliminate insect infestations and ways to protect your plants against a variety of diseases. And even the most experienced gardeners can benefit from our many gardening tips.

How to Grow Apples Tree, gardening, apple recipes

Exciting Home Gardening Times

Fresh, crisp apples are a sweet Autumn treat.

Apples ripen in September to early October. Finally, that time has arrived! Garden centers, cider mills, and pick-your-own apple farms are crowded with people enjoying the pleasant fall weather and seeking to have a good time creating fun-filled memories. The apples come home to fill your fruit bowl and for use in your favorite apple recipes.

Bob Matthews

Gardeners Net Owner

The Gardener's Network is the perfect place for you and your plants, the perfect source on how to grow:

The gardening season slowly winds down for most of us this month. We continue to harvest the last of our crops, while our cool weather crops reach the harvest phase, too.
Home Gardeng Encyclopedia

We strive to provide the most in-depth how-to-grow guide sheets to help you to grow better plants. Regardless of your experience level, you can learn a few tips and techniques for growing better vegetables, flowers, and herbs. And, our guides will help you have the best garden you can grow in 2024.

Composting All Year

Composting is an activity that can be practiced all year long. Spring yard clean-up produces plenty of compostable material. Also, continue to diligently collect kitchen scraps to put into your compost heap or composter. 

Avid Gardeners Turn To...

Harvesting and enjoying the fruits and flowers of our labor!

As we go deeper into September, plants produce less, age, and begin to die off. It’s only natural. Continue to tend to your plant’s needs, to coax the last blooms on your flowers, and a little more production from your vegetable garden.

Pumpkins on Porch, How to Grow Pumpkins, home gardening
Ripening now in a Pumpkin Patch Near You

Big, bright, orange globes are showing up all over. 

Pumpkins all aglow are on display everywhere. We decorate with them, play with them, and eat them, too. Fall festivals with giant pumpkin weigh-offs are being held all over the country. Will the world record of 2,749 pounds fall this year? We will soon find out! 

Check Out Our Blog!

Featured Garden Plants and Articles

Each month we highlight different garden plants. We draw your attention to them for a variety of reasons. Some of the featured plants are reaching their peak this month. And, others are interesting plants you may want to learn more about and grow in your garden.

Planting Tulips in the Fall

How to grow chrysanthemum plants. Hardy Mums Flower Plant. Home gardening.

Colorful Fall Mums

Without a doubt, Chrysanthemums are "THE" Fall flower. Fondly referred to as "Hardy Mums", these colorful bloomers a long-lasting, giving your home and gardens one last flush of color before winter weather sets in. And, they are truly hardy. You will find them in bloom long after the first frost has killed off other flowers.

How to Grow Tulip Flowers, Red, White. Blooms, Home Gardening tips.

September brings fall planted bulbs to garden centers, brick-and-mortar stores, as well as online stores. Buy your bulbs now while the selection is good. Then, plant them after the weather has cooled in your area.

Garden Tip: The best spring blooms come from large, healthy bulbs. Don’t scrimp on your bulb purchases.  

How to Grow Romaine Lettuce, home gardening tips 2015-01

Cold Weather Second Season Crops

The gardening season flies by all too quickly. Check the "Days to Harvest" information on seed packets to determine if you have enough time for your cool weather crops. The window for planting them closes before you know it. Also called "Succession Planting", your fall season crops will keep you supplied with fresh vegetables all the way to the first frost! Did You Know? One variety of radish is ready to harvest in as little as 28 days.


Hummingbirds Head South

The flowers you planted to attract Hummingbirds to your backyard did their job. And all summer long, they have been frequent visitors to the nectar feeder hanging from your deck where you can watch and photograph them. As the seasons are about to change, the flowers are dying off. Several signs from nature are signaling your hummingbirds to begin their Fall southerly migration. Meanwhile, birdwatchers in the southern hemisphere anxiously await their arrival.

Today's Deep Thought:

"Sow generously and you will reap generously."

How to grow, Home Gardening tips, growing plants growing tips
Celebrate Your Gardening Hobby

In fact, there are many days to celebrate our home gardening hobby. Among them are:

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# Of Plants
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On The Light Side:

Gone over the garden edge!?

The Top 10 signs you've gone over the garden's edge.

Garden Phobias

What are you afraid of? Flowers, worms, dirt!?

Garden Holidays

Always a reason to celebrate! And there's no shortage of home gardening holidays.

Greeting Cards

Send a free Ecard to a friend or family member for just about any event.

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    Certainly, it’s a place for home gardeners to learn about our beloved hobby, ask questions about growing plants, and contribute home gardening tips and ideas. And enjoy a little humor, too.

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