Home Gardening by GardenersNet.Com

Gardening 2025 & How to Grow Just About Anything

2025 Home Gardening is Our Mission

Home gardening in 2025 is here and now. Our mission is to provide home gardeners with the finest quality home gardening experience with “How to Grow” information for growing plants, gardening tips, and trivia. So, we’ve got you covered for growing all of your favorite plants. As a matter of fact, our guide sheets cover everything from seed starting to growing plants, harvesting, storing, and eating the flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables of your labor. And, we strive to provide you with the information you need, when you need it, to grow better home and garden plants!

How to Grow Pumpkin Seedlings, Growing Plants

Exciting Home Gardening Times

Home gardening is a great "stay at home" hobby, with hours of challenging fun.

Millions of people young and old, enjoy this hobby. It’s educational, rewarding, and therapeutic. First, as the snow flies in February, the season begins with the creation of a plan for this year’s garden. After that, we sit by the fireside with our laptop and begin the search for seeds.  Start your seed search today!

Bob Matthews

Gardeners Net Owner

The Gardener's Network is the perfect place for you and your plants, the perfect source on how to grow:

The seed search is on!! Certainly, it's an exciting time. As the snow flies outside our windows, we sit by the fireside and dream of beautiful flowers in full bloom, and a bountiful garden filled with our favorite veggies. So, what are you waiting for!? Start your seed search today!
Home Gardeng Encyclopedia

We strive to provide the most in-depth how-to-grow guide sheets and information. Regardless of your experience level, you can learn a few tips and techniques for growing better vegetables, flowers, or herbs. Our garden guides will help you have the best garden you can grow in 2025.

Composting All Year

Composting is an activity that can be practiced all year long. Winter composting includes diligently collecting kitchen scraps and putting them in your compost heap or composter. Second, look for compostable discards that otherwise would go into the trash. You’ll be amazed at what you will find.

Avid Gardeners Turn To...

Are you planning to start some seeds indoors? You should be. Why let commercial greenhouses have all the fun!? Get an early start on the season. And, while you wait for the right start date, review the basics on seed starting. And, pick up a tip or two. 

Bird Grosbeak Flaticon
Feed The Birds

Backyard birds are a thrill to watch. While you’re waiting for Spring to arrive, you’re likely spending time watching backyard birds. Furthermore, keep the bird feeders full. They need our help this time of year. Also, keep your camera handy.

Check Out Our Garden Blog!

Find Seeds Now

February is the perfect month to begin your seed search. Why February? Right now, companies have their entire catalog of seeds in stock. As the winter goes by, they usually do not restock their inventories for the current year.
Years ago, every major seed company mailed seed catalogs to your door right after the holidays. This has been replaced by the ease of online shopping for your seeds. Nowadays, we sit by the fireside with a mug of hot chocolate and browse online catalogs on our computer, cell phone, or iPad. Then, we can immediately order our seed selections. What can be easier!?
Start Your Seed Search

February's Home Gardening Featured Plants and Articles

Backyard Birds in Winter

Hungry Birds at the Feeder

This is the toughest time of the year for backyard birds. Natural food supplies are low and continue to become sparser. In addition, food supplies may be covered in a heavy blanket of snow. To help them get through the remainder of the winter months, homeowners and birdwatchers put up a bird feeder or two to help our fine feathered friends survive until spring arrives.

Each species of bird has certain seed preferences. If you have lots of different birds, a mixed variety of seeds works well. For others, consult our bird seed feeder chart to ensure your favorite birds are well-fed.

Bird Seed Feeding Chart

Forcing Blooms Indoors

Spring Blooms Indoors

Nothing brightens up a gloomy winter day more than spring flowers blooming in your living room. And with very little effort, you can make it happen. Forsythias and Pussy Willows are good examples. But, you can force many more bushes and shrubs to bloom indoors. So, put on your coat and hat. Then, go outside and cut a few branches off of your favorite spring-blooming shrubs.

Learn how to force blooms indoors.

Seed Germination Tests

Ensure Your Seeds Will Sprout!

Did you save seeds from your garden plants last year to use this season? It's a great way to grow plants you have had success with in the past. Do you have leftover store-bought seed packets? While the snow's still flying, it is the perfect time to perform seed germination tests to ensure a successful start to the upcoming season.

How to Perform Seed Germination Tests

Planting By Phases of the Moon

Plant by Waxing Versus Waning Moon

The concept of planting by phases of the moon has been practiced since ancient times. Using this gardening technique, you sow the seeds of some plants during a waxing moon. Others are planted during a waning moon. Gardeners who use this planting technique swear by it. Find out more.

Planting by Phases of the Moon

Today's Quote:

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - - Audrey Hepburn

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On The Light Side:

Gone over the garden edge!?

The Top 10 signs you've gone over the edge.

Garden Phobias

What are you afraid of... Flowers, worms, dirt!?

Garden Holidays

Always a reason to celebrate!

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