A major component of a successful organic garden is the fertilizers you use. Like everything else in the world of organic gardening, fertilizers must be composed of all-natural ingredients. If you are an organic purist or will be growing produce for the organic marketplace, make certain that the label on any fertilizers you use specifically states “USDA Certified Organic”. Our focus is on how to fertilize garden plants organically. We focus on home gardening.
Many home gardeners do not realize the broad range of organic products available to them. Likely, you are already using one or more of these products.
Here are some of the most common organic fertilizers:
Manure is rich in a wide range of plant nutrients. Also, it adds to soil structure.
Fish Emulsion is rich in nutrients. Gardeners have used fish remains for hundreds of years, with great success.
Compost is a well-recognized natural fertilizer and soil amendment.
Compost Tea is a liquid runoff from the composting process. Use it to replace chemical liquid fertilizers for home gardens. Put some on your houseplants, too.
Cover crops – After your gardening season is over, plant cover crops. Grow annual ryegrass and other annual crops. Till plants, sometimes called Fodder crops, into the soil in the spring. They replenish nitrogen and other minerals in your soil.
Worm Castings, or Vermicompost – Worms ingest plant matter and excrete worm castings, a mineral-rich soil additive.
Bat Guano is rich manure that gardeners covet for great crops.
Epsom Salts are commonly used to put magnesium and sulfur into the soil. Promotes bushier growth and more flowers.
Molasses and Honey in small amounts feeds microorganisms in the soil.
Fish Fertilizer is High in nutrients, micro-nutrients, and minerals
Seaweed Fertilizer is packed with major and minor nutrients and amino acids, organic gardeners use this to stimulate plant growth.
Did you Know? Inexpensive, organic rabbit food pellets are made up of nitrogen and phosphorus-rich alfalfa. It also contains triacontanol, which stimulates plant cell division and growth. You can sprinkle it around your plants as a fertilizer!
More on Certified Organic Garden Seeds– the all important starting point
Garden soil and soil amendments
Fertilizers – manures, compost and more.
Insect repellents/insect control
Beneficial Insects – use the good bugs to get the bad bugs
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