Tomato Disease Codes

Beefsteak Tomato, Garden tomato recipes

Selecting tomato plant varieties with disease resistance will help you to produce healthier plants, more fruit, and a higher yield. This can be very important if tomato plant problems are common in your area.

First, we recommend you investigate what tomato plant diseases are common in your area. Your local Cooperative Extension Service can help. Then use the list of tomato plant disease codes below to help you select the best varieties for your area.

List of Tomato Disease Codes

A – Alternaria Stem Canker, a fungus – brown or black cankers on tomato stems, leaves, and fruit.

– Fusarium Wilt, a fungus – begins with yellowing of one side or vine of plant.

FF – Fusarium Races 1 and 2, a fungus – begins with yellowing of one side or vine of plant.

FFF – Fusarium Wilt 1, 2, and 3, a fungus. – begins with yellowing of one side or vine of plant.

– Nematodes, parasitic roundworms

ST – Stemphylium Grey spot leaf, a fungus – growing brown to black spots on leaves

– Tobacco Mosaic Virus, causes mottling and yellowing of leaves,  reduced size and yield of fruit

TSWV – Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus – yellow and brown rings on the stem, or brown streaks on the stem, dead leaf spots, and tips, stunted growth.

V -Verticillium Wilt – disease clogs water carrying tissues, starving the plant. Yellow spots on leaves, browning of veins.

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