This Baked Apple Slices recipe is a real treat. And it’s quick and easy to prepare and make. It takes just a few minutes of prep time before you pop it into the oven. Have baked apple slices today for dessert or as an evening snack.
Did You Know? 100 apple varieties are grown commercially in the U.S. Just 15 of those varieties comprises 90% of total production. They are Red Delicious, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and Fuji.
4 apples of your choice
1 Tablespoon grated orange rind
4 Tablespoons melted butter
4 Tablespoons honey
Whipped cream
Vacuum the Dog! Brushing your dog is a lot of work. And the hairs get all over. Instead, get out the vacuum cleanser. Add the upholstery attachment to the hose and give man’s best friend a good once over.
Note: This is not for all dogs. Some dogs run at the sound of the vacuum cleaner. If you start with a young puppy, you’re more likely to succeed.
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