
How to grow cranberries. Health benefits. cranberry medicinal uses. Cranberry recipe

Sadly, for about 10 months of the year, cranberries never pass our lips. We neither eat them nor speak of them. Then, along comes Thanksgiving and Christmas. With it, Cranberries roll onto the scene. For just a little while, we can’t get enough of them. While you’re having fun eating them and baking some of our favorite holiday recipes. Browse our Cranberry Trivia (below) for a chuckle or two. And, read about the health benefits of cranberries, too. 

If you have a bog in your backyard, you can grow cranberries. They are grown in bogs and are native to North America. They are grown in very few areas of the U.S. Cape Cod and Plymouth Rock areas of Massachusetts is where most cranberries are grown. But cranberries are also grown in New Jersey, Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, Canada, and Europe.

Very few of us have ever trudged through the bogs of New England, in search of cranberries for the dinner table. Do you want to search for them? First, grab your waders. Then, look for an evergreen vine that grows low to the ground. The white or pink flowers give way to red, oval berries with a tart taste. The cranberry harvest occurs in September and October. It’s just in time for use in your favorite holiday recipes.

Native Americans were using cranberries for food and medicine long before the first Pilgrims arrived in the NewWorld. They shared their knowledge with the new arrivals.

There are many Cranberry medicinal uses. It is well known for treating urinary tract infections (UTIs). Use it regularly to help avoid UTIs. It also is high in Vitamin C and helps fight and avoid colds. In the 1800s, American sailors ate cranberries on long voyages to prevent scurvy.

Cranberry Trivia and Fun Facts

Here are some cranberry trivia and fun facts. You can use them at the Thanksgiving table or any time of year, to amuse your family and friends.

  • Over 94% of Thanksgiving dinners include cranberries on the menu.

  • Over 770 million pounds are consumed on Thanksgiving.

  • 859 million pounds of berries were grown in the U.S. in 2016

  • These berries contain over 90% water. It’s the other 10% that tastes so good and is so healthy for us.

  • They are closely related to Blueberries and also Rhododendrons.

  • In the early 1800s, sailors and travelers consumed cranberries on long sea voyages, to help prevent scurvy.

  • The state of Wisconsin produces about two and a half times more than Massachusetts.

  • Ripe cranberries bounce when dropped on a table. This gives them the nickname “Bounce Berries”.

  • And, they float. This is due to a small air pocket inside of the fruit.

  • American settlers first made cranberry juice in 1683.

  • Cranberry sauce was not on the menu at the first Thanksgiving. The recipe requires sugar, which was in short supply in those early days. But cranberries were most likely there. They ripened just in time for the Thanksgiving feast. They were eaten at the feast in some form.

Got a little trivia or interesting facts on these amazing berries? Email to:

Health Benefits of Cranberries

There’s no shortage of cranberry medicinal uses and health benefits. Loaded with antioxidants and essential healthy nutrients, Cranberries offer many health benefits. Whether you like them or not, drinking a glass a day can be very beneficial to your health

Health benefits include:

  • Fights kidney and bladder problems – prevents kidney stones, too.

  • Fights cancer – helps avoid and fight breast, lung, colon, and prostate cancers.

  • Treats urinary tract infections – can block infections from occurring, and help to fight existing infections.

  • Fights heart disease – lowers bad cholesterol, and prevents plaque build-up in arteries.

  • Prevents dental problems – prevents plaque build-up, gingivitis, and gum disease.

  • Aids in weight loss – flushes the system, and improves metabolism.

  • Strengthens immune system – antioxidants flush out harmful toxins.

  • Improves mental health – helps to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as depression.

  • Anti-aging properties – helps skin look younger, and aids the health of internal organs.

  • relieves skin problems – including acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis

How to make Cranberry Drop Cookies

Cranberry Recipes

May we suggest:…….

Cranberry Drop Cookies recipe – Enjoy cranberry medicinal uses as you enjoy these tasty cookies.

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