Strawberry Plants

How to grow strawberries, How to make strawberry jam

About Growing Strawberry Plants

Strawberry plants produce the first fruit of spring. Everyone looks forward to growing and eating sweet and delicious berries and the wide variety of uses. If you have kids, get them to help with the planting and weeding. They will definitely take part in the picking and eating. If you are not watchful, they just might pick and eat the entire crop of berries, right there in your garden! Oh, watch out for those big “kids” too. That’s because everybody loves fresh strawberries.

The plants are an easy-to-grow perennial. They are one of the most common fruits in the home garden for both their ease of growth and popularity at the table…if they get that far. There are recipes and uses galore from fruits to jams and jellies, drinks, baking recipes, and more. Not only do they taste good, but they are also good for you, packed with lots of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they have had medicinal uses over the years.

Did you Know? Michael Kent produced and displayed the first cultivated strawberry in 1806. Before that, strawberries were grown and picked in the wild.

Enjoy National Strawberry Sundae Day on  July 7th.


There are two major varieties. The first and most popular is June Bearing. It gets its name as these big and luscious fruit are harvested in June in most areas. They are the largest variety, and many people consider this variety the sweetest. Producing a big and bountiful harvest, they are popular with people who want to make jams, jellies, and for freezing. Strawberry festivals are centered around the harvest of the June-bearing crop.

Everbearing Strawberries are the second major variety. These usually smaller berries will produce all season long. The harvest is usually smaller. If you want to have them all season long, fresh from the garden, grow a small row of this variety.

A third, and far less common variety is day-neutral.

Did you Know? According to legend, in the 19th century English children put the fruit on strong grass stems and sold them as “Straws of berries”.

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