Blanket Flower plants are a cheerful perennial flower with large, 3 to 4-inch daisy-like blooms. Also called Indian Flowers, they are related to Sunflowers, Daisies, and Asters. The plants are native to the central United States and Canada. Are you growing Blanket Flower perennials in your flower garden? Probably, as today, these popular flowers can be found all over the U.S. They get their name as they slowly spread across an area, creating a “blanket” of attractive plants and beautiful, showy flowers. Indeed, each plant can spread out about twenty inches.
Drought tolerant Blanket Flowers are easy to grow. To many people, They are wildflowers. To others, they are a part of a butterfly garden or bright additions to the middle of a mixed flower garden.
In naturalized setting, they are found in areas where fields are filled with them…..they “blanket” the field in blooms.
Big, long-lasting blooms grow up to 4 inches across. Bi-colored flowers include orange, red, and yellow. Flowers bloom from early summer to fall if spent blooms are deadheaded.
Blanket Flowers are great in or along fields, and in Butterfly gardens. Small birds ae attracted to them, too.
Grow them indoors, or out. They also look at home adorning your balcony, patio, or deck. They are good for cuttings.
Flower Colors:Rich colors in shades of orange, Peach, Red, and yellow.
Flowers Bloom: Summer through Fall.
Plant Height: 18 to 36 inches tall.
Light Requirements: Full sun.
Ideal Soil pH: 6.2 – 7.2.
Hardiness Zone: 3 – 10. This versatile plant grows well in most hardiness zones.
Toxicity: Non-toxic. The seeds are edible.
Native To: North America
Plant Type: Perennial
Botanical Name: Gaillardia Aristata, Grandiflora
Number of Species: 25 – 30 species of annual, perennial and biennial varieties.
Other Names / Notable Varieties: Indian Flower, and Firewheel.
The seeds are edible. Grind the seeds into a powder. Then, mix it into butter or margarine, or vinaigrettes.
These plants have numerous medicinal uses. They have antirheumatic and diuretic properties.
Among the uses are:
Blanket Flower plants are grown from seeds. Sow seeds directly into your flower garden, or start seeds indoors, for transplanting later. We recommend a heated germination mat for indoor starts.
If you live in a warmer climate, you can plant them in the fall, and they will likely bloom the first spring. For colder areas, expect a bloom in the second spring.
Sow Blanket Flower seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8″ of fine garden or potting soil. Or, broadcast spread them over an area, and lightly rake them into the soil. Seeds can take up to 3 weeks to sprout.
The ideal plant spacing is 14″ -16″. Thin or transplant seedlings, if needed, when they reach 2″. However, they will tolerate a little crowding.
Blanket Flower can also be propagated by plant division.
Days to Germination: 14 – 21
Blanket Flower plants are very easy to grow. As a heat loving plant, they grow best in full sun. If grown i partial shade, they tend to flop over a bit. They prefer loose soil that drains well.
In poor soil, add a general-purpose fertilizer when planting them, then once a month after that.
Once your plants are established, it should grow well with few problems. They will grow on their own with little care or attention. Just make sure to view them often to enjoy their brilliant blooms. Or, watch butterflies that are attracted to them.
While most varieties of Blanket Flower grow 2′ – 3′, there are some 4′ varieties. Taller varieties may need staking.
These drought-tolerant plants seldom need to be watered. They will do well in mid-summer heat.
For healthy, thriving plants, dig up and divide every 2 -3 years in early spring.
In colder regions of the country, overwinter them by covering the plants with a thick layer of mulch. Then in the spring, rake the mulch off of them.
Pruning the plants is not required. However, for a neat and tidy appearance, remove and dead or unattractive leaves and branches.
Also, you can Deadhead spent flower blooms to promote a more continuous bloom and to improve plant appearance.
Insect and disease problems are uncommon.
Plants are deer resistant.
Also see: Plant Problems – causes and cures.
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