Nippy Beets Recipe

Cookbook Recipes

Nippy Beets Recipe Description

This beet recipe contains the word “nippy” in the title because the mustard in it gives it a little bite (or nip). It’s not too much of a bite….. just enough to make this Nippy Beets recipe interesting and different.

Today’s Quote: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” – – President Harry S. Truman

Recipe Ingredients

3 Tablespoons butter or margarine

2 Tablespoons prepared mustard

1 Tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/8 teaspoon salt

2 cups cooked beets, sliced or cubed.

Recipe Directions

  1. Boil beets in water, then drain.

  2. Melt butter or margarine in a saucepan.

  3. Add all ingredients, except beets.

  4. Bring to a boil.

  5. Add beets.

  6. Serve hot.

Additional Resources

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