How to Grow Dracaena Plant

Tree Branch, How to Grow

About Dracaena House Plants

Like many other house plants, Dracaena is grown for its attractive, decorative leaves. Dracaena houseplants are very popular in homes and offices, as it is slow-growing. And it is easy to grow with just a little care.

There are over 120 species of Dracaena. The plant is native to native to Africa, southern Asia, and Central America. The plant stems are called “Canes”. Dracaena canes have corn or spear-like leaves, which are green with variegated colors in cream, red, or white, depending upon the species.

Did You Know?  The resin of Canary Island Dracaena species is called “dragon’s blood.” Yes, it is a deep red color.

Dracaena Plant Specifications

Other Names: Corn plant, for its corn-like leaves

Number of Species: Approximately 120.

Ideal Room Temperature: 60 – 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Humidity: low

Plant Height: 1 to 20 feet

Plant Hardiness Zones: 10 – 13

Ideal Soil pH: 5.0 – 6.0

Botanical Name: Dracaena

Dracaena Plant Propagation

Plants can be propagated by removing and rooting leaves and stems. It’s easy!

  • First, remove a healthy leaf or young stem. Cut the stem off where it meets the main trunk of the plant.
  • Next, root the cutting in water. 
  • Then, when the roots are an inch or so long, plant the cutting in a flowerpot. 
  • Keep the soil moist, not wet. 

You can also propagate them from seeds. However, the plants rarely produce flowers and fruit with seeds to harvest. So, starting them from seeds is uncommon.

How to Grow Dracaena Plants

The Dracaena plant is easy to grow and care for outdoors, or indoors as house plants.

Grown as house plants, they prefer cooler temperatures, especially at night. However, they do not like cold drafts.

Select a pot or container that fits your room decor and allows room for the plants’ root system to grow. Also, select a container that has holes in the bottom for good drainage. If the plant outgrows the container, it can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Use regular, loose potting soil.

The soil should be moist, not wet. Wet soils causes root rot, and can kill the plant. Allow the surface of the soil to dry a little between watering.

This plant grows best in indirect, filtered light. The plant will grow fine, placed near a northern-facing window.

Fertilizing Plants: For indoor plants, use a house plant fertilizer every two to three weeks during the growing season. As fall arrives, cut back to once a month. In the winter months, withhold fertilizers, giving the pant a period of dormancy.

Keep Dracaena pruned for plant health and a tidy appearance. Prune away sick or dead leaves, cutting the stem where it reaches the main trunk. After a few weeks, new leaves will appear below the cut.

Plant Problems

Mealybugs, mites, and scales can occasionally be a problem.

Keep plants out of cold drafts.

Root rot will occur in wet soils.

Droopy, yellow leaves often indicate wet soils. Bright sunlight can also cause yellowing leaves.

More on Plant Problems

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