You may not want clover growing in your lawn. But, growing them in your home is another matter. Clover houseplants are shade-tolerant and very easy to grow indoors. Indoors in a flowerpot, they are attractive, too. The plants have both medicinal and culinary uses. And, you never know, when growing clovers indoors, you just might find a lucky four-leaf clover on the plant. How lucky is that!?
Did you Know? All parts of the clover plant are edible. So, if you get hungry, just cut off a few leaves and chow down. Snack time, anyone!?
These tender annuals can be grown from seed or cuttings. They like sunshine but tolerate shade very well, making them a great indoor houseplants. To grow their best, the plants need rich, soft soil that drains well.
As you sit in your family room on a cold and snowy winter’s day, you look upon your Clover plant sitting in a flowerpot on an end table. The sight of it just might make you a little hungry. All parts of the plants are edible, either raw or cooked. The leaves are used in salads and soups. It adds color to foods. The flowers have a slightly sweet taste. Try it tonight!
This plant has medical benefits, too. Make clover tea to fight fever. It helps to cleanse wastes from the lymph system and improves blood. It can help to avoid or ease upset stomachs. And, it provides cancer protection as well as helps to lower cholesterol. So, add a little clover to your diet and live healthier.
Did You Know? Many homeowners apply herbicides to eliminate clover and other weeds from their lawn. Yet some homeowners add it to the lawn as it is a hardy plant that stays green under most drought conditions. And more than a few homeowners and landscapers install a clover lawn!
Flower Colors: White, red, pink, or purple flowers, depending upon variety.
Flowers Bloom: Indoors intermittently at varying times.
Plant height: Usually 3 to 6 inches tall. However, they can grow up to 8 inches tall.
Soil Ph: 6.0 – 7.0
PlantType: Perennial
Plant Hardiness Zones: 3 – 10
Botanical Name: Trifolium Repens
The plants are propagated from seeds and through the spreading of their stolons (root offshoots). As any homeowner with a lawn knows, clover is an invasive plant. Existing plants spread rapidly, if unchecked.
For use as a houseplant, most people buy clover plants at a local garden store.
Did You Know? One plant produces between 14,000 to 350,000 seeds. And, the seeds remain viable in the soil for up to 14 to 20 years.
Growing clover plants indoors is easy. They are a low-maintenance plant. And, you just might find a lucky four-leaf clover among the leaves.
Clover plants grow best in full sun. However, they are shade tolerant and survive with as little as 4 – 5 hours of sunlight. As a result, they usually thrive indoors.
Plant them in a flowerpot that has a drainage hole and saucer on the bottom. Use indoor potting soil. Water the plants thoroughly when planting them.
Allow the top of the soil to dry between watering. Clover houseplants do not like wet soils. As a drought-tolerant plant, they need less water than many plants.
Like other indoor houseplants, do not add a lot of fertilizer. You want indoor plants to grow healthy, but slowly. Add a liquid fertilizer every other month. Or, use houseplants fertilizer spikes which provide timed release of nutrients for your plant. DO NOT use both.
Remove dead and dying leaves. A small number of dying leaves is normal. If a lot of leaves are dying or drooping, the soil is probably too wet.
Clover plants tolerate crowding. However, you can transplant them into a larger flowerpot, if they begin to look too crowded.
Ideal Soil pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Clover is a tough plant and suffers few problems.
Spider mites can be an occasional problem. Use insecticidal soap as, as needed.
As previously mentioned, Plant drooping is usually caused by overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out and watch the leaves bounce back.
Plant disease is uncommon.
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