Snow in Summer plants sure know how to put on a display. They are a favorite for rock gardens. Small plants grow just six to eight inches. But, perennial Snow in Summer flowers certainly are attractive. Its silvery gray leaves give way to a profusion of white blooms in late spring to early summer. Try growing Snow in Summer in your rock garden or flower bed. You won’t be disappointed.
The plant has wooly, silvery gray-green leaves. It’s attractive, even when not in bloom. This native of Italy produces mounds of flowers in May-June. The profusion of white booms mounded atop the plant gives it its name.
Snow In Summer is common in rock gardens and as a ground cover. Many people also use it as border edgings, or along sidewalks. Because it can be invasive, you may have to control the spread of this plant, if you grow it in your flower garden along with other flowers. These small plants look their best in the front of the flower garden.
Flowers Bloom: Late Spring to early Summer.
Flower Colors: White flowers with a bright yellow center.
Plant height: Just 6 – 8 inches tall.
Plant Hardiness Zones: 3 – 7
Other Names: It is also known as Cerastium, Mouse Ear, Chickweed, and Silver Carpet.
Perennial, Cerastium
Snow-In-Summer are grown from seeds. They can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or seeded indoors for transplanting later. Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8″ of fine garden or seed starting soil.
Start seed indoors 6 – 8 weeks before the last frost in your area. Seeds have a long germination period, requiring two to three weeks. For indoor starts, try a seedling germination mat.
Established plants can be propagated by plant division or from cuttings in the spring.
Final Plant Spacing: Ideal plant spacing is 12″ -24″. Snow in Summer plants will spread out to form a loose mat, filling in the space between plants
Days to Germination: Seeds sprout in 14 – 21 days.
Snow in Summer plants are easy to grow. Grow them in full sun. Plants will tolerate a light or partial shade. They prefer rich, loose soil that drains well. Keep soil moist during germination.
Snow in Summer is drought and heat tolerant plant. It prefers slightly dry soil. Water only during the hottest, driest period of summer. Add a general purpose, high nitrogen fertilizer when first planting, to help them to get a good start. Add a high Phosphorous fertilizer just before blooming.
Snow in Summer flowers will bloom in the spring of the second year after planting, and every year afterward. Prune plant and remove dead flowers after blooms have died, to give the pant a clean, healthy look, and to promote new plant growth. With a little care, established plants will thrive for many years. See Deadheading Flowers.
Snow In Summer can be an invasive plant….. spreading beyond it’s intended garden space. You may want to contain it’s sprawl, by using a border edging that is dug 3″ – 5″ below the surface of your soil.
Snow in Summer plants are hardy, and will survive light frosts before going dormant for the winter months.
Ideal Soil pH: 6.0 – 7.0.
Also, see:
Plant Problems – Identify the causes and find the cures, too.
Perennial Snow in Summer plants are seldom bothered by insects or disease. Apply insecticide or fungicide as needed.
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