Sedum plants are a family of perennial, hardy, flowering succulents. There are many varieties ranging in size from just a couple of inches to about 3 feet tall. The smaller, more popular varieties are used as ground cover. Growing Sedum flowers is very easy. They are basically maintenance-free. The flowers attract bees and butterflies.
Did you know? In old English translations, Sedum or Stonecrop means “sprouting from the stone”. Here’s an old garden saying “only stones require less care and live longer than Sedum.”
Use the smaller varieties for ground cover. Taller varieties are grown in groups or mounds. Use Sedum flowers as borders or edgings and in hanging baskets.
The taller varieties make good-cut flowers, fresh or dried. Try leaving some flowers in the garden to dry. It adds a splash of color to the fall and winter landscape.
Also, Sedum plants are good houseplants.
Flowers Bloom: Summer to Fall
Flower Colors: Orange, pink, red, white, and yellow.
Plant height: 6 inches to 3 feet, tall, depending upon variety.
Other Names: Stonecrop
Plant Hardiness Zones: 3 – 10
Perennial, Sedum Acre
Sedum is grown from seed or from the division of its roots. Simply dig up the clump, divide and replant. Planting can be done in spring, summer, or fall.
If growing Sedum from seeds, we recommend an indoor start, as the seeds take a long time to sprout.
Note: For indoor starts, we recommend using a heated germination mat, to increase the speed of germination. And, it, results in a higher germination rate.
Sedum can also be grown from young, tender cuttings. Some varieties root well in water. Some are so easy to root, that a cutting will quickly take root in damp soil.
Days to Germination: 14 – 28 days.
Sedum plants like full sun to partial shade. Plants grow well in either rich or average soils. Soil should be well-drained, as they do not like wet soils. Established plants are drought tolerant.
Once your plants are established, they should grow well for years and years…decades.
Fertilize two or three times a season for best results, beginning early in the spring.
Cut back tall plants any time after fall frost, but before the plant begins to grow again in the spring.
When growing Sedum indoors as a houseplant, it prefers 3-4 hours of direct sunlight or several hours of artificial light. Other than that, this easy-to-grow plant should do well for you indoors.
Ideal Soil pH: 6.0 – 8.0.
Also, see:
Plant Problems – Identify the causes and find the cures.
Insect and disease problems are all but non-existent. Foraging deer and rabbits leave Sedum alone
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