A gardening raised bed frame is made from landscape timbers, railroad ties, two by tens, concrete blocks, or just about any other durable and strong material that holds soil. Even an old tractor-trailer tire can be used. Years ago, this was in common. Make sure the frame is sturdy enough to hold soil. Anchor the sides from collapsing outward, if needed. The bottom should be open. If you are using a box or container of any kind, remove the bottom to provide good drainage. The only time a raised bed should have a bottom or plastic-lined bottom is if it is used on a patio or deck. Importantly, if you do have a bottom on it, do not over-water your plants. And, cover the raised bed during heavy rains.
Tip: Make sure the width of the bed frame is no more than two arms lengths deep, about four feet. This allows you to reach any part of the garden, without stretching or climbing across the frame and plants.
Garden bed soil – While you can use regular garden soil, it is best to make a soil mixture that is ideal for the plants you are planning to grow. If the bed is really high, use soil from the surrounding area at the bottom.
Drip hose- A drip hose makes the bed more maintenance-free and efficient. Add it at, or just below, the soil level. Make sure to work it in a pattern that evenly covers the entire area inside the raised bed.
Mulch- Make your raised bed almost maintenance-free. Use plastic mulch to keep weeds out. For appearance, top the plastic with organic mulch.
Tip: Be creative. Make a series of smaller beds. The landscape around the beds with stone, mulch. Add paving blocks or stepping stones.
A raised bed is made of almost any material. Perhaps you’ve seen an old car or truck tire, filled with soil and flowers. This is indeed a raised bed planter.
Most raised bed frames are constructed of either wood or plastic boards. Both are attractive and effective. Wood is less expensive but does not last as long as plastic boards. They rot and lose their clean and neat appearance. Applying paints, stains, or pressure-treated wood, can extend the life of the wood boards. But, they can leach chemicals into the soil.
Plastic boards last a long, long time. While they cost more, they are cheaper over time.
A word about- – Orca boards. (People have asked.) These are plastic boards. We believe the Orca Board is a brand name, and the manufacturer went out of business during the 2008 recession.
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