There are a lot of ways to stuff a baked potato. Once you’ve tried this artichoke stuffed baked potato recipe, you’ll agree this is a great way to enjoy baked potatoes. The blend of flavors is simply delicious.
This recipe is easy to make.
Serves: 4
Did you know? Artichokes are a member of the Thistle family. Can you imagine eating a thistle!?
4 large Potatoes, baked
1-ten-ounce package frozen Artichoke hearts, cooked
2 Tablespoons Margarine
1/2 cup Cream
Sprinkle of Parsley
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Lightly, sprinkle your favorite grated cheese on top just before serving. However, be careful not to use too much.
During COVID, we all learned to disinfect door and cabinet handles. Don’t forget this hard-learned lesson. Using a cleaner with a disinfectant keeps you and your family healthier. It is especially important during winter months when colds, flu, and COVID are more common.
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