Lilac Disease and Pest Problems

Lilac Flowers 24

About Lilac Disease and Pest Problems

Like any other type of plant, you may experience lilac disease and pest problems from time to time.  Fortunately, they are not very frequent, and usually not too serious.

It is always wise to use diligence and spot problems before they get out of control. 

Lilac Insect Problems

Lilacs are hardy plants. Most insect pests do not bother them to any serious degree. For occasional insect problems, such as aphids or borers, treat with insecticidal soap or a mild insecticide, like Sevin. Ants will appear, sometimes in large numbers, during the blooming period. They are seeking the sweet nectar in the flower, and do not harm the flower or plant.

Lilacs are susceptible to Cicadas, which occasionally emerge in huge numbers, in areas east of the Mississippi. If large broods emerge in your area, you will want to cover them with 1/4″ pest netting during the emergence.

Learn about Cicadas

Lilac Pest Problems

Mice and voles (see moles and voles) are some of the biggest pests of lilacs. During hard winters, they will chew on the bark of the stems at or near ground level and can kill the plant. They harbor under the mulch you amply provided, and feed on your plant, especially in the harshest of winters.

Lilac Disease Problems

Lilacs are susceptible to a couple of plant diseases. The most common is powdery mildew. Powdery mildew occurs most frequently during hot and humid weather. Accordingly, treat any disease outbreak early. Apply a general-purpose fungicide two or three times about a week apart, as soon as the problem is spotted. For major outbreaks, trim away infected branches and dispose of them. Do not add them to the compost heap. While this disease can cause major problems with more tender fruits, flowers, and vegetables, it will generally not cause long-term or serious problems for your bush. Powdery mildew’s unsightly appearance is the biggest negative for Lilacs.

More on powdery Mildew

How To Grow Lilac Flowers Information

How to Grow – Learn how to grow beautiful, fragrant plants.
Lilac Festival – These Spring festivals are very popular. 
Lilac Sunday – Without a doubt, it’s a holiday worth celebrating.
Flowers – About these beautiful blooms.
Lilac Pictures – See our lilac photo gallery.
Lilac Trivia – Cute and informant trivia.
Planting and Transplanting – how and when to move bushes.
Propagation – How to make new plants.
Pruning Lilacs – Most importantly, there’s a right way and a wrong way.
Pests and Disease – Prevent plant problems.
Varieties – In fact, there are over 1000 varieties.
California Lilac – It’s a tree.
Why no Blooms? – Identify and correct blooming problems.
Lilac Poem – By Walt Whitman.
Buy Lilac Bushes – Add beauty to your yard. 

White Lilacs, Lilac Pictures

More How to Grow Lilacs Resources

Growing Lilacs – from Garden Hobbies

Buy Lilac Bushes select from popular Lilac varieties

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