If you are not growing Chervil plants in your home herb garden, you’re not alone. Chances are, you just don’t know much about this tasty herb. Therefore, you never gave it a try. Chervil herbs are a gourmet herb in many cultures. Chefs love to use it. Now that the secret is out, we encourage you to grow Chervil in your herb garden. Then, try it in your kitchen.
Chervil, also called French Parsley, is native to eastern and southern Europe, Russia, and Asia. Chervil herb is an annual and a member of the carrot family. It is very popular in ethnic cuisine. Can you guess which? That’s right! It is commonly used in French cuisine!
Chervil has a peppery, sweet, anise-like flavor. It is related to Parsley.
Fast-growing Chervil grows to harvestable size in just 6-8 weeks. The plant grows to 12″ high and 8″ wide. Chervil has light green leaves, with small, white flowers.
Plant height: 12 – 24 inches tall.
Hardiness Zones: 3 – 7
Other Names: Gourmet parsley, French parsley, Rich Man’s parsley
Annual, Anthriscus Cerefolium
Chervil herb has a wide variety of medicinal uses, including:
Helps cure stomach disorders and digestion problems.
Helps to reduce cellulite.
As an herbal tea, it improves blood circulation.
Treat high blood pressure.
Chervil tea helps soothe irritated or tired eyes.
Beneficial for liver problems.
A cure for coughs, flu, and colds.
Skin tonic and to cure various skin problems, like acne and eczema.
Culinary Uses:
Use the leaves to flavor a variety of recipes.
Chervil plants are grown from seed. Plant this cool-weather crop in early spring, or late summer for a fall crop.
The ideal soil temperature to sprout seeds is 50 to 55 degrees F. They have trouble sprouting in warm soils.
Directly sow seeds into your garden. Sow seeds early in the season, and cover lightly with soil.
Chervil plants do not transplant well. So, do not start them indoors.
Final Plant Spacing: Thin plants to about 8″ apart.
Days to Germination: 7 – 14 days.
Chervil is an easy-to-grow plant. These cool-weather herbs prefer full sun. Plant them in partial shade in warmer areas. They grow well in average to moderately rich soils.
Soil should be well-drained.
Water plants during dry periods and droughts, once a week. Add a general-purpose fertilizer once or twice during the growing season.
Harvest mature plants by cutting about 2-3 inches above the ground. This will encourage the plants to re-grow.
Ideal pH: 6.5 – 7.0
Like with many other herb plants, insect and disease problems are uncommon.
Also see:
Plant Problems – causes and cures
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