The Gardener's Network - Garden Store
After almost 20 years in the business, we have closed our internet store.
We now look forward to the joys of retirement.
We sincerely thank our many loyal customers who have come back year
after year to purchase our high quality, low cost merchandise. We could not
have been successful without you.
We wish you all a life time of health, happiness and prosperity!
America's Top Seed Companies
Livingston Seed - Choose from over 500 varieties of top quality seeds.
Livingston Seed Company, is one of America's oldest seed companies.
Find common and not so common varieties. Find fun to grow plants, too. Unbeatable
prices. About Livingston Seed Company
Ferry Morse - One of the oldest and largest garden seed companies
in America. About Ferry Morse Seed Company
Lilly Miller - A west coast brand favorite.
About Lilly Miller
Garden Seed definitions got you confused!? Learn about:
Heirloom Seeds - What qualifies
as an heirloom seed variety?
Organic Garden Seeds - Eat
healthy! Planting an organic garden starts here.
Hybrid Seeds - Natural cross
pollination to produce desirable plant traits.
Non-GMO Seeds - Plant healthy, eat healthy. It's
what home gardeners want.
Survival Seed - Vegetable garden
seeds for long term storage... be prepared
Vegetables - Get the genetics to grow huge, giant vegetables.
Starting - New gardeners...learn how to start and grow your favorite
plants. Experienced the basics, find garden tips.
Seed Starting
Tools - Starter tray kits, germination mats, peat pots and pellets.
Peat Moss - What is it, and how does
it improve garden soil?
Free Garden Seeds
- How to harvest and save garden seeds for planting next year.
How to Avoid Damping
Off Disease - A 'Must Read" for anyone growing indoor seedling transplants.