How to Control Soil Borne Insects

Tree Branch, How to Grow

How to Control Garden and Houseplant Soil Borne Insects

Treating garden plants and houseplants for insects in the soil can be problematic. We are not aware of any safe chemical insecticides, available to home gardeners, for either indoor houseplants, or outdoor plants. So, we have compiled some suggestions on how to control soil-borne insects. 

As a result, soil-borne insect problems, are treated with control and avoidance methods, versus chemical controls.

How to Control Houseplant Soil Borne Insects

Soil-borne insect houseplant problems can be difficult to control. Here are some ideas which may help:

  • Many insects prefer moist, damp soil and do not survive in dry soils. Allow the soil to dry out as much as possible.  If possible, allow the soil to dry out up to the point that the plant begins to wilt. 
  • Repot affected plants. If the plant is small, remove it from the container, along with as much soil as possible, without damaging the roots. Then, replace in new, sterilized potting soil.
  • Flush the soil with lots of water to drown the insects. If the pot is small, immerse the pot in a bucket of water for a half-hour or more. Then, remove the flowerpot from the water, and make sure to drain well.
  • Be alert to airborne insects. Often, they spend some of their life cycles on or in the soil.
  • Examine new plants before purchasing or bringing them indoors. Quarantine new plants. If temperatures allow, place them in an enclosed porch, in the garage, or in a separate room for several days. Watch closely for signs of insects.

How to Control Garden Soil Borne Insects

Similar to the battle against indoor soil-borne insects, we are not aware of any safe chemical treatments for outdoor problems. And, you wouldn’t want any harmful chemicals in your vegetable garden anyway.

Try these ideas:

  • Manage visible, insect populations. Some of these insects may spend time in the soil.
  • There are good and bad insects. Buy and encourage friendly insects, like Lady Bugs and Preying Mantis that feed on the bad insects.
  • Buy nematodes. Some nematodes eat plants and those that attack only insects. Stores sell friendly nematodes.
  • Remove affected plants and root systems, from your garden.
  • Plant susceptible plants in another area of the garden.
  • Many soil-borne insects do not thrive in dry soil. Allow the soil to dry out as much as possible.
  • Promote strong, healthy plants, which are more capable of fending off insect infestations. 

Gardening Tip: Friendly nematodes are introduced to your garden, via a spray application. Apply near dark, as nematodes are killed by sunlight.

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