Houseplants brighten up your home or office. Caring for plants inside of your home makes for a great hobby during long, inclement winter months, and throughout the year. Growing common houseplants is easy. Many gardeners refuse to twiddle their green thumbs, for months on end, as winter keeps them indoors. Rather, we actively extend our gardening pleasure through the winter months, tending to a wide array of indoor plants.
The benefits of indoor gardening are numerous. My son reminds me of the clean air provided by indoor plants that take in carbon dioxide (which you exhale). And in turn, release clean oxygen. Indoor plants also brighten the room, providing a cheerful sight for those grey and dreary winter days.
Houseplants are an important part of the decor in homes, offices, and other buildings. I am sure you will agree, that plastic indoor plants and shrubbery, are no substitute for the real thing. Another big benefit of indoor gardening is there is nothing more relaxing than gardening.
People grow all sorts of plants indoors. There are common houseplants and tropical houseplants. Many plants in your outdoor garden, make for good indoor houseplants, too. Start planning early, to identify what plants you want to bring indoors when fall arrives. When in doubt, we urge you to experiment and see if you can grow a particular plant indoors. The challenge is half the fun of gardening.
If frost is expected any time soon in your area, get moving and start planning your indoor garden today!
Growing houseplants is fun. Growing indoors is a great way to enjoy your love for plants and gardening. And, it helps to make the long winter months go by just a little faster. Learn all about caring for your favorite plants right here.
Did You Know? Houseplants raise the humidity in your home. This can be a good thing during dry, winter months. In mid-summer however, it can make you more uncomfortable. If you have lots of plants, consider moving some of them outdoors in the summer months.
Fertilizing Plants – What to use, how to apply it, and when.
Indoor gardening is a rewarding hobby. You can get a selection of seeds and bulbs that grow well in the shady conditions of your house this winter. Or, go to your local garden store and buy small plants. You can select among common houseplants, flowering houseplants, tropical houseplants, or something unique. you will have a whole winter of fun growing things inside of your home.
These common plants are good choices for indoor gardening:
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