Applying liquid fertilizer onto your plant’s leaves is a great way to provide it with essential nutrients. Foliar feeding plants is an effective gardening technique. Almost all of your indoor and outdoor plants will appreciate the boost of minerals and nutrients applied directly to the leaves. The plant responds quickly. Leaves turn greener and healthier. In addition, the plant grows more quickly, too. The best time to feed your plants can be any time. Some suggest it’s better in the morning. Foliar feeding indoor plants can be performed at any time of the day, and at any time of the year.
All you need to feed your plants through their leaves is liquid fertilizer. You can foliar feed your outdoor and indoor plants. The process is similar. For indoor plants, you need to be careful not to make a mess on carpets, furniture, etc. Avoid a mess by applying liquid fertilizer on an outdoor table, in the garage, or a sink.
The benefits of foliar feeding your plants begin to show shortly after applying it. The plant leaves “green up” quickly. You will see renewed leaf and plant growth and vigor. Some of that extra nutrient makes its way to the flowers and fruit, for bigger, more colorful blooms, and a larger harvest of fruits and vegetables.
Note: There are a few plants, African Violets for example, that do not like to have wet leaves.
Mix or dilute the liquid fertilizer of your choice(see types of liquid fertilizers below).
Add a little more water. We recommend a dilution rate higher than recommended on the fertilizer package, as you do not want to burn the plants.
Put liquid fertilizer into a sprinkling can, or a garden sprayer.
Apply liberally to plant leaves. You can also apply it to the root system for a quick energy boost.
Re-apply regularly.
Mix or dilute the liquid fertilizer of your choice (see below). You may want to avoid fish and manure fertilizer indoors, due to odors.
Put liquid fertilizer into the sprayer. Spray leaves.
Use caution not to over-spray onto carpets or furniture. You may want to put down a plastic sheet, or old newspapers.
For large-leaved plants, you can put liquid fertilizer into a bucket and wipe fertilizer onto the leaves with a sponge. Use protective gloves.
Re-apply regularly.
You can use any liquid fertilizer on your plant. Dilute to the rate recommended on the container, then add just a little more water.
Here are the liquid fertilizers commonly used:
Fish Emulsion: Not high in N-P-K, but it contains rich amounts of micro-nutrients
Seaweed Emulsion: Like fish emulsion, seaweed is rich in micro-nutrients.
Compost Tea: Contains plenty of N-P-K and some micro-nutrients. The exact composition varies, depending upon what you put in it.
Manure Tea: It contains a wealth of N-P-K and micro-nutrients. The exact composition varies, depending type of manure you use.
Liquid Fertilizer (Store-bought, chemical granular): Just add water, shake or stir, and you are ready to go.
Important Tip: We recommend diluting liquid fertilizers beyond the dilution rate. Too much nitrogen can burn plant leaves.
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